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Everything Glows takes their responsibility in providing safe products very seriously and have processes and procedures in place to ensure faulty items do not come into the market place. Regretfully, some have recently slipped through, and we would like to make everyone affected aware.
Defect: The product does not comply with the mandatory standard for products containing button/coin batteries.The battery compartment is not adequately secured. The three button batteries may be easily accessible.
Hazard: If young children gain access to button batteries and ingest them, they are likely to suffer severe internal burn injuries, which can result in serious injury or death. Button batteries also pose a choking hazard to young children.
Traders who sold this product: Various Primary Schools, Public Schools, Colleges and Epic Skate Tweed Heads
What Should Consumers Do?
Consumers should immediately stop using the product and keep it out of reach of children. Consumers can contact Everything Glows on the contact details below to arrange a refund. For further information contact Everything Glows by phone on 03 9553 0972, by email at sales@everythingglows.com.au or via the website everythingglows.com.au
Australian Product Recall Information
Please visit productsafety.gov.au
Everything Glows sincerely apologises for having supplied you with this faulty product and the inconvenience caused.